Turn Back Time by Fighting Wrinkles and Lines

Facial Skin care for men

Daily Skin Care for Men

Gone are the days where taking care of your skin is seen as something just for the ladies to indulge in. More and more men are realizing the benefits of developing a skin care routine, and with good reason!

Men can suffer from the same skin dilemma’s that women face, like breakouts, redness, and dry skin. A lot of men might not know where to turn when faced with questions about their skin predicaments and it can be a bit intimidating!

“Do I need a moisturizer AND a serum?” isn’t a dumb question to ask, guys! We’re here today to share some tips, tricks and insider picks on the “what’s” and “why’s” of men’s skin care and some reasons why you should give the whole skin care thing a shot!

Men’s Face Care 101

You’ve decided to take the plunge into skincare.  But, where do you start? You might want to begin with your skin type. Do you get oily on your forehead and nose throughout the day? Does your face get excessively dry in the colder months? Once you have the answers to questions like these, it gets a little easier! An important thing to keep in mind is everyone’s skin is different; what your wife/girlfriend/significant other uses might not work for you. Generally, keep it simple! Start with a minimalist approach and then add in what’s needed based on your skin. You’re almost always going to want to begin with a great cleanser, so let’s start there!

The Best of the Best Men’s Face Wash

We don’t have to tell you that washing your face is an essential part of any skin care routine. You most likely do this step already! What you may be missing is an awesome face wash that will really give you that extra “oomph” on your quest for better looking skin. Look for something tailored to your skin’s needs; acne prone, dry, combo, etc. A face wash is important to gently wash away any impurities, dirt, or grime that may have accumulated on your face throughout the day. Face washes also help with unclogging pores, and unclogged pores mean fewer breakouts and less oiliness. Washing twice a day is ideal, once in the AM and once in the PM will do just fine. Look for a product that is gentle on the skin, free of parabens and artificial dyes and something that is PACKED with ingredients like aloe, calendula or essentials oils that naturally soothe and hydrate the skin. You’ll thank us later!

Exfoliation for Brighter Skin

Exfoliating is a great step to add to your skin care routine and it’s something you don’t need to do every day! Think of an exfoliator as a polishing agent; this product gently buffs away any dead skin cells, revealing a cleaner, brighter complexion. Exfoliators, also called face scrubs, are great for reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and can even help prevent acne breakouts. Face scrubs are also great to use right before shaving to help get rid of any dry or rough patches for a smoother, closer shave. Grab an exfoliator that doubles as a face wash and you’ve saved yourself a step in your skincare routine!

Face Moisturizers Designed Especially for Men

If you’re already this far into your skincare routine, great! You’re almost done. Moisturizing your face is an essential and the last step to youthful, clear, polished skin. A men’s facial moisturizer is great for adding extra hydration and making dull skin look and feel firmer and brighter. Look for a moisturizer with added vitamins and nutrients to help fight the signs of aging by smoothing and refining wrinkles and lines. Products that have jojoba oil, hyaluronic acid or vitamin e oil included in their ingredient list are all great things to look for in your moisturizer.

Added Bonus

If you’re kinda into this whole skincare thing, and want to take a deeper dive into your facial care regime, here’s a couple more products to consider:

  • Beard oils are great to moisturize and hydrate the skin beneath facial hair
  • Sunscreen! Any men’s face care product with added SPF is great for fighting the signs of aging and protecting the skin from harmful UV rays (even on cloudy days!)
  • Detoxifying facial masks (charcoal or clay based) are great for pulling out any impurities and leaving behind clean and healthy skin
  • Serums packed with anti-aging ingredients like alpha-lipoic acid, hyaluronic acid, green tea or retinol
  • Acne clearing products that contain ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide to banish even the toughest of breakouts

With your new arsenal of skin saving products and knowledge, you are ready to battle breakouts and buff away the grit and grime on your face! Creating a personalized skin care routine doesn’t have to be hard and we are here to help. For all your up to date information on the trendiest men’s facial care products and our favorite skin saving products, make sure to check out other blogs.