Balls Trimmer – In -Depth Product Review.

Balls Body Trimmer

Balls Trimmer – In-Depth Product Review

Balls Body TrimmerTrimming those hairs from your tenders can be pretty scary. If you don’t have the right product, you might end up injuring yourself, and all men know how painful that can be.

With that in mind, we’ve decided to put this innovative product through its paces to see if it lives up to its promise. Designed specifically for men, the Balls Trimmer promises to offer a quick and painless solution for maintaining proper hygiene in a sensitive area. From ease of use to the quality of the trim, we’ll be examining every aspect of this trimmer to see if it’s the right fit for you.

Let’s dive right in.

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Balls Trimmer Review

This ball trimmer is a top choice for cutting unwanted hair. But here are some important features you need to consider when buying this trimmer. There are various features that this trimmer comes with.

For instance, it comes with a ground light that prevents you from using your phone’s flashlight. Moreover, it comes with a waterproof design, so you can use it in the shower and clean yourself afterward.

The best thing is that it comes with a blade subscription, and you can also use this trimmer in other areas. It is a highly versatile trimmer that you can use. Let’s have a look at its different features in detail.

·        Ceramic Blades

The trimmer comes with ceramic blades, and they are of top-notch quality. These micro-trimming blades are excellent for cutting finely without any issues. These blades are sharp, and they trim precisely.

·        Powerful Motor

The trimmer is equipped with a powerful motor that is tuned ideally. It means that it doesn’t move too fast or too slow. The motor functions at 6200 RPM to groin hair of different thicknesses and textures.

·        Securing Hair Trimming

As we have mentioned, the motor installed in the trimmer moves not too fast or too slow. And with these features, the trimmer is purpose-built to reduce snags, nicks, and pulls.

·        Waterproofing

The trimmer is completely waterproof, so you can use it in your shower and clean up afterward. It is convenient to use it anywhere and anytime and then clean up.

·        Wireless

You won’t have to deal with any worse either, and it reduces any danger of electrocution. And of course, as it is waterproof, you can conveniently use it anywhere in our bedroom or bathroom.

·        Durable Construction

The trimmer has a durable construction, and it has a shock-resistant design. So, if you drop it accidentally, you won’t have to worry that your trimmer is gone for good. It’s a pretty robust little machine.

·        Anti-Slip Grip

The trimmer has a matte costing which guarantees an anti-slip grip. Therefore, you can conveniently hold the trimmer in your hand and don’t have to worry about tired hands to hold the trimmer while dealing with your tenders.

·        Subscription on Blades

You can go for a 3-month subscription on the blades of the trimmer. The delivery will be made to the address you provide and will be done every 3 months. You can save up to 20 percent on your blade cost.

·        Sacksafe Adjustable Guard

The trimmer also comes with the SackSafe adjustable guard. It will help in preventing those nicks, snags, or pulls. It means you will be in total control of the matter.

·        Guiding Light

The trimmer also comes with a guiding light and enables you to access those tough-to-reach areas. You won’t have to use your phone flashlight or a torch for this purpose anymore.

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Should I Go for the Blade Subscription or Not?

Your subscription will come not just with your new blades, but you will also get cool collectibles and surprise gifts. If you keep your trimmer for years, you will be covered under the Balls of Steel warranty and will be entitled to get any repairs and replacements for free.

Can I Use this Trimmer Elsewhere on My Body?

This trimmer is made for sensitive areas and not just your balls. Therefore, you can use it elsewhere. It has a versatile design, and you can use it comfortably wherever you like.

What Does the Trimmer Come with?

This trimmer by BALLS comes with the SackSafe adjustable blade, SackSafe guard, a cradle cleaning brush, and a USB cable for charging.


Perfect skin therapy

The BALLS Trimmer is one of the best options you can try out on your tenders. And the best part is that you can conveniently use it in other areas. It is easy to use and features a groin light for convenience.

The trimmer comes with the SafeSack guard to prevent any pulls or snags. The trimmer is shock-resistant and waterproof. Therefore, you can use it in your shower as well.


Is Beard Trimmer Better than Shaving?

beard trimming v shaving

Is Beard Trimmer Better Than Shaving?

It might be time to clean that scraggly, overgrown beard of yours. And there are a couple of ways you can do that: use a beard trimmer or shave.

But which one is better? Well, depending upon the current state of your beard, a basic trimmer can assist in making your out-of-shape beard neat, and you won’t have to do much work either.

However, if you decide to shave it off completely, you might get that clean and smooth look and might not even recognize yourself in the mirror.

Both methods can work well in your favor, but you are about to find out which one you should go for. Clean Shave look

So, let’s begin!

If you want to cut that beard down, then you will have to understand the difference between trimming and shaving and go for the method that suits you the best.

Shaving is about completely removing your facial hair and getting that smooth look. On the other hand, trimming is for cutting your beard down and keeping it at a certain length that you would prefer to keep.

If you don’t want to shave it off completely, you can leave some stubble on your face and go with the trim. But if you don’t want to keep your facial hair, you must go for a clean shave.

Why Trimming is Better than Shaving?

Beard Trimming

Trimming is a better option than shaving because you can keep your facial hair (if you want to keep them in the first place), but you won’t have to worry about any cuts.

As the trimmer’s blade is not touching your skin, there won’t be any cuts, and you won’t have to deal with red or irritated skin. Using a beard trimmer, you can try out different lengths, shapes, and even styles.

How is trimming a beard better for facial skin?

With a long beard, bacteria and other debris can conveniently rest inside, leading to bumps and other skin issues such as acne. So, you need to regularly clean your beard using a facial cleanser or an exfoliator to remove the debris from the beard.

If you don’t want to do this regularly, then it would be better to trim your beard regularly to keep it from growing and making you maintain it. With regularly cutting, you will be able to get rid of any dead skin cells. In addition, you will be able to take care of any excess hair and oil.

As a result, you can keep your facial skin more radiant and youthful. You will have to maintain your face and beard much less if you have any skin issues or sensitive skin.

Regularly trimming your hair can give a massive boost to your skin. But if you haven’t trimmed your bear in a while, you have to ensure that you give it a good rinse and clean to get rid of that mess.

Can Trimming Increase Beard Growth?

Yes, trimming can increase your beard’s growth, but you have to be occasional about it. Trimming it too frequently won’t produce good results in beard growth, and you are regularly cutting it.

If you do it occasionally, your beard will look cleaner. Moreover, occasional trimming can make it look fuller and healthier.

The best way to speed up your beard’s growth is to use a pair of quality trimming scissors. It will help you to get rid of those split ends. And for this purpose, you can use a beard trimmer to make the cut finger with much less effort.

Trimming your beard will be a better choice if you are not a shaving fan. You can still maintain a pretty neat look with the help of a pair of quality scissors. But a beard trimmer with a longer guard will be a better option.

Does trimming influence growth?

Your hormones and genetics are the main factors that directly influence the speed at which your hair grows. If you trim your beard regularly using a beard trimmer that has a longer guard, you will be able to get rid of those split ends.

This way, you can make your beard grow faster. Even if your hair grows slower, keeping the beard trimmer will give it a much fuller look. This will be effective even if it is not that long in actuality.

How long should you wait before you trim the beard?

Before you use your beard trimmer, make sure to let the beard come out nicely. This way, it will start taking an excellent shape. And you will be able to decide which style will work for you.

But to be sure, you must wait at least a month to see what shape your beard will take. If you trim it too soon, you might get a lopsided beard.

During this period, your beard will look pretty scraggly. Use a pair of scissors to cut out some loose ends. But be careful as you want to keep it in its natural shape.

What’s the best practice to shave the beard neckline?

If you want to maintain a clean appearance, you will have to trim your beard neckline regularly. It is best to trim your beard neckline weekly, or you can do it fortnightly. A good practice is cutting the facial hair on your neckline when it grows to around 3 mm in length.


Perfect skin therapy

Trimming your facial hair is always a good option unless you want to clean that beard off. Then, you won’t have to deal with irritated or red skin. You won’t have to worry about those pesky cuts using a beard trimmer.

Should You Moisturize After Shaving?

should you moisturize after shaving

Should you moisturize after Shaving?

Your skin deserves to feel fresh, and it’s best when you’re done shaving. Therefore, you have to follow a proper shaving routine to make that happen. But for that, you have to include moisturizing your skin. Some people don’t give this step much importance, but you must do it.

How do you make your skin’s moisturization a routine part of your skin grooming? We are going to discuss all that in today’s topic

So, scroll down to get all the details you need.

Why does your skin need moisturization right after shaving?

Best mens skin care rangeThe razor blade you use does a fine job of cutting those hairs off and removing any dead skin cells. But in the process, it can also cause dryness on your skin. The skin loses moisture when you expose it to water for some time.

Therefore, you must use a moisturization oil or lotion right after shaving. It will keep your skin adequately hydrated and ready for the next shaving session.

Shaving can cause additional irritation if you don’t do it correctly. There are various reasons for that. You will have to use a quality shaving cream and avoid dull blades.

If you are feeling skin irritation for some reason, you have to find out the cause and make those necessary changes. Moreover, you have to incorporate body lotion into your regular grooming routine. It will keep the skin properly hydrated no matter what the circumstances are.

How to moisturize your skin?

Step 1 – Only use hydrated shaving creams

Whatever you do, do not skip your shaving cream. Using it each time to shave promotes a good hydrated shaving experience.

Step 2 – Wait a bit before you begin your shaving

Make sure not to begin your shaving session straightaway as you begin taking a shower. Allow the water to run on your skin and let the steam soften your hair follicles before you do the shave.

You will feel much more comfortable when you begin with your shaving process. Also, make sure not to use hot water to dry your skin out. The best practice for this purpose is to use lukewarm water.

Step 3 – Moisturizing the skin straight after the shower

It is critical to keep moisture locked in right after you are done with your shower. Otherwise, any moisture will evaporate. You can use a towel on your skin and apply some lotion to hydrate the skin. Consider this step to be the last in your grooming routine to make your skin feel fresh and healthy.

Step 4 – Making it your habit

We have already established that moisturizing is critical for your skin health. Therefore, you have to make it a habit and an essential final step of your shaving and skin grooming routine.

Things to keep in mind before shaving

You need to keep in mind a few things to prevent any irritations during or after shaving. We are listing them down for your consideration.

Do not use alcohol-based products for shaving

You have to make sure that you don’t use any products that contain alcohol in them. These products can cause severe irritation during or after shaving, and as the alcohol evaporates, it takes some moisture from your skin. As a result, it leaves your skin dry and causes more irritation.

The best time to shave is right before going to bed

Yes, you heard it right! The best time to shave is right before you go to bed. During sleep, your body’s heel and your skin will feel much more comfortable on the day when you wake up after a good night’s sleep.

Keep the shaved area cool after you’re done with shaving

It essentially means that you must avoid going to saunas or baths after shaving your skin. Of course, any of those steamy jacuzzis are a big no-no. Otherwise, your shaved skin will feel pretty uncomfortable.

Don’t think about going for a shave again

You might have missed a few hairs here and there and have the urge to go again to clear them off. But avoid doing that as you can trim those down, or you will have to feel the wrath of razor burn no matter how fresh your blades are.

Keep in mind to never dry-shave

You might have missed the spot or are in a hurry and think that you can dry-shave those pesky leftovers. But don’t do that as it can lead to cuts or nicks, and they can be pretty nasty.

Final Word

You must follow a proper skin shaving and grooming routine to prevent irritations or dryness. Moisturizing your skin will make it look younger and fresh for a long time. If you want to keep your skin healthy and fresh even at an older age, you need to start taking care of it right now. Moisturizing does a lot to your skin, probably more than you can ever imagine.